09 February 2008

Meditations for Lent

I was amazed when my son told me that if you “google” “Lent meditations”, you will come up with this at the top of the list:

Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

On the wall of our garage there hangs a flashlight which I keep for emergency use. Quite often when I go to use it, however, I find that the batteries are dead!

Psalm 119 tells us that the Bible is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path. Unlike my flashlight, however, its batteries never run out! The gospel, the apostle Paul affirms, is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. Although originally written thousands of years ago, the Scriptures can still speak to us today with power and relevance.

The twenty-eight meditations which follow are proof of that. Each one is a testimony that God is able to address our twentieth-century needs clearly and powerfully through his word.

It is with a great sense of privilege that I present this series of Lenten devotions, prepared by members of our congregation. They demonstrate the rich variety of ways in which God is touching and transforming lives at St Paul’s. They are not arranged in any particular order, nor do they follow any particular overall theme. Each presents a personal perspective on God’s word.

I hope that you will enjoy them and savor them. Even more, I hope you will take time to read, study and apply the passages of Scripture on which they are based and which have brought such meaning to the lives of twenty-four of your fellow parishioners.

It is the first in a series of simple, brief meditations produced by members of my former parish, St Paul’s Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia, more than a dozen years ago! The rest are here.